Saturday, March 14, 2009
A dream I had
I slept pretty late last night. After eins told me he wants to sleep, I decided to call it a day. And sleep! Zzz. I had this dream about eins.. I was text messaging with him. Blablabla. Then, he said "mira. if you wanna tell me what your heart wants to say, speak out. I know how you feel about me. I'm okay with that." so I replied "what?! Who told you that?!" he smiled. And I was about to confess "eins.. Actually, I......." "Dek! Wake up. Its 8 o clock. You need to go to work.." for a moment, mom was in my dream as well. Trying to wake me up. I slept like a log. But then, "noooooo! I was about to confess, mom! Whyyyyyy...?!" I screamed inside my head. haha. dorn. Imagine if mom didn't wake me up. gosh. I'd probably jumping of the roof if we were on a relationship. huh. spoiled! eins~