So, this is going to be some random rants. or not.. but anyways, sometimes i feel like making a vlog.. but i totally think that its NOT a very good idea.
recently, ive been kinda bad. well, not badly bad.. but like, bad. you know what i mean? so, theres this video of someone doing something that some people doesnt, (or dont?) like. and of course, thats how i got the idea for being bad.... (?) is my english right? okay, this is awkward.. um, so, after watching this vid, i was like 'this person is f*cked up..!' i instantly hate this person and i wrote a comment. after a while, my comment became one of the top comment.. so, another person wrote a comment telling those who hates this person to back of and to leave this person alone.. ironic, i know.. and i replied that person's comment. we were kinda like fighting and then maybe that person accidentally replied it to a wrong person.. so i stopped... and then i saw another video of the f*cked up person.. and this time i was like 'whadda hell??' and i wrote another comment.. honestly, i feel sorry for this person.. but i hate it... i hate this person so much that now, i dont feel sorry for this person... soooo, is it bad for me to hate this person if this person is so annoying. and what this person said in all of the videos are annoyingly irritating..... do you know what i mean guys?
and last few days, i was sent to the emergency after i passed out at my work.. err place of work? i dont know guys.. im kinda lost these days.. that explains why im being hyper for no reason and also lost for words.. also for no reason at all. gosh, i think i better stop.. eventhough i dont feel like stopping. argh... i cant stop... okay, i'll stop now.. in 3... 2... 1... Bye and Salam.....